Photo courtesy of Name: Emily Foscaldo ‘23

Name: Emily Foscaldo

Year: 2023

Hometown: Westwood, MA

Major: Psychology and English 

Campus Activities: Delilahs, Delilahs’ social media, Orientation leader, tour guide, ACT E-board 

member, Project Empathy. 

Favorite Movie: “Pride and Prejudice” 

Favorite Song: “From The Dining Table” by Harry Styles 

Favorite Singer/Group: Mac Miller or SZA
Favorite Color: Purple (HC!)
Favorite Sports Team: The Patriots
Favorite Class taken at Holy Cross: Intro To Creative Writing: Poetry with Professor Sweeney. She’s the absolute best. 

Favorite Professor: Professor Sweeney. She made me a better writer! Pushed me out of my 

comfort zone while supporting me. Although she is currently on sabbatical, I recommend 

her to everyone, and I hope to have her again in the future. I became an English major because of her! 

Item on HC Bucket List: Go to the WAM, attend most sporting events, go sledding down 

Freshman Field

Biggest HC Regret: Not declaring the English major sooner and not attending more sporting 

events freshman year. 

Embarrassing HC Moment: Getting lost in the Science/Swords building and ending up in the 

jungle. My freshman year self was terrified. 

Bragging Rights: Have a photo with President Rougeau from the homecoming tailgate. 

Words to live by: A year from now, will it really matter? (That geometry test that I cried about 

for a week in HS has no relevance now… poor sophomore year Emily). 

One thing you would change at HC: Enrollment process. 

Favorite TV Show: “New Girl” or “The Wilds”

Favorite Book: “The Great Gatsby”

Favorite Kimball Meal: The empanadas. So good. Or chalupas—Lower’s back! 

Favorite Cool Beans Drink: Iced mocha latte with oat milk (thank you, Isabelle Sampino) 

Favorite Spot on Campus: Rehm Library, or my secret spot in O’Kane. 

Favorite Off-Campus Restaurant: Livia’s Dish or Volturnos or Boulevard Diner. 

Guilty Pleasure: Campion house cookies!!

Some small things that make your day better: When I see a friend I haven’t seen in a while; 

walking past someone and giving them a hug 

First thing you do when you wake up: Check my email to make sure none of my classes were 

moved online 

Last thing to do before going to bed: Talk to my roommates, then answer my texts and listen to 


Favorite place you have traveled to: Italy, it was beautiful. I want to go back as soon as I can. 

Role-Model: At home, my mom. She is my inspiration, and I look up to her so much. She’s so 

strong. At HC, Megan Siebecker. She was a senior my freshman year, I looked up to her  so much. 

Something you look forward to when you go home: Cuddling with my dog Brady. 

Post-Graduation Plans: Work at a law firm hopefully! I am currently pre-law. 

Favorite Memory at HC: “Cabaret” freshman year. 

Interviewed by Rea Nassif ‘24, Features Editor