Lauren Backstrom ‘27

Holy Cross Bookstore Enthusiast

It was such a pleasure to see all the accepted students embracing the daily traditions we keep close to our hearts on the Hill, to get a sweet taste of what life is like at the College of the Holy Cross. As I saw freshly accepted students lining up to take advantage of the food trucks on campus, I couldn’t help but be grateful that they would not be disappointed in any way in the Fall, because we have food trucks here basically every day! This campus never lacks for food, and I’m sure that the new class of first-years are glad they’ll never have to resort to Kimball or Doordash on any given weekend. 

It was inspiring to see all the admitted students taking advantage of the items at the bookstore, happily clutching new merchandise in their fists. I know they are so relieved that they will never have to complain about overpriced items or memorabilia, because the campus bookstore is extremely reasonable in terms of price, especially when you buy things with your parent’s credit card. 

Lastly, it was also such a joy to see the Class of 2028 enjoying the mild Worcester weather; it will be so exciting to see them realize that Worcester’s climate is this calm all year long! They won’t have to waste time packing heavy coats or gloves. The decision to choose Holy Cross over all those hot, southern schools was a great idea, after all. 

Copy Edited by Sophia Mariani

Featured image courtesy of College of the Holy Cross