Molly Landis ’27

News Editor

Admitted students were welcomed to Holy Cross on April 14th
Image courtesy of College of the Holy Cross

On Sunday, April 14th, admitted students were invited to spend a day on campus to celebrate their admission to the college Class of 2028. With around 500 admitted students on campus, they had the opportunity to take tours of campus and residence halls, attend sessions, get some great food truck food, and speak with admissions student workers about campus life at Holy Cross. Each admitted student had the ability to sign the Class of 2028 banner, with their names, high schools, and towns. This banner shows how far and wide students have come from in order to attend Holy Cross. Some of the sessions students could attend were Living the Mission and Power of Purple. Living the Mission examined what a Holy Cross experience looks like and how students can live the mission of the college. President Rougeau was there to welcome students to Holy Cross and there was a panel in order to go into more depth about what a Jesuit, liberal arts, educational experience looks like. The Power of Purple session was about how students are supported on campus and how Holy Cross will help students figure out what they want to do with their lives, what their goals are, and be ready for a remarkable career after graduation. Additionally, students also attended academic sessions, to learn more about different majors and academic programs, and a browsing fair, to talk to different clubs and programs on campus. 

Aurora Voas, class of 2028, said “Admitted Students Day was an amazing opportunity to see what life on the hill will be like for the next four years. I was blown away by how willing everyone was to open campus up to the class of ‘28, and how welcome I felt. I can’t wait to move-in and experience the next four years at Holy Cross!” Admitted Students Day was a successful day all around in which the Class of 2028 truly got an amazing opportunity to experience and learn more about their future home on the Hill.